
Ahn, R. & Alford, B. (2016, November). Successful school leadership in Japan: A principal’s story in a high minority junior high school, Presented at the JUSTEC in Japan.  

Ahn, R., Alford, B., & Gimino, A. (2018). Servant leadership in Japan: A principal’s journey of transforming a high-minority junior high school. Roundtable paper presented at the American Educational Research Association Conference in New York, New York.  

Alford, B. & Gautam, C. (2014, November). The importance of the principal’s role in high need schools: An international perspective symposium. Sustaining improvement in High Need School in Nepal: What Mattered. Presented at the UCEA Conference, Washington DC.  

Alford, B. & Gautam, G. (2019). Sustained community engagement and student learning in high needs schools: Roles of trust, purpose, and actions. Presented at the CSLEE Conference in New Orleans, LA. November.  

Alford, B. (2015, November). UCEA leadership for school improvement from transnational and transcultural perspectives. Presented as an invited symposium panel member for the International Network Symposium at the UCEA National Conference, San Diego, CA.  

Alford, B. (2015, September). Leadership practices and supports for equity and excellence: Voices of three principals of successful high need schools. Presented at the International School Leadership Symposium, Zug, Switzerland. 

Alford, B. (2016, April). Transcending the contexts of a rural school in Texas and an urban school in California: A cross-case comparison of principal leadership for student success. Presented at the New Zealand Educational Leadership Conference: Leading for Social Justice in Dunedin, New Zealand.  

Alford, B. (2018). Successful principal leadership for equitable educational opportunities: A cross-case comparison in high-needs schools. Roundtable paper presented at the American Educational Research Association Conference in New York, NY.  

Angelle, P. S. (2012, November). ISLDN project on social justice leadership: USA case study findings. Paper presented at the annual convention of the University Council for Educational Administration, Denver, CO.  

Angelle, P. S. (2018, October). Meeting the needs of students: The Influence of beliefs and behaviors in two US principals. Paper presented at the annual meeting of Congreso Internacional de Organizacion de Instituciones Educativas, Lleida, Spain.  

Angelle, P. S., & Potter, I. (April, 2016). Barriers and enablers to school leaders working for social justice. Presentation at the Leadership Forum sponsored by The Centre for Educational Leadership Research, The University of Waikato, Hamilton, New Zealand. 

Angelle, P. S., & Robinson, K. K. (2016, April). Socially just leaders in a culture of care: The US Perspective. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the New Zealand Educational Administration and Leadership Society, Dunedin, New Zealand.  

Angelle, P. S., Flood, L. D., & Oldham, A. N. (2017, April). Supporting Marginalized Children: Challenges of Three US Principals. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Antonio, TX.  

Angelle, P. S., Norberg, K., & Ärlestig, H. (2013, July). Social Justice School Leadership: Sweden and US International Connections. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the British Educational Leadership, Management, and Administration Society, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK.  

Angelle, P. S., Potter, I., & Robinson, K. K. (2014, July). Learning from each other: Reflection and engagement with international school leaders. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the British Educational Leadership, Management, and Administration Society, Stratford, England, UK.  

Angelle, P. S., Torrance, D., & Potter, I. (2016, July). Unlocking Social Justice in School Leadership: The Work of the ISLDN Social Justice Strand. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the British Educational Leadership, Management, and Administration Society, Chester, England, UK.  

Arar, K., Mahfouz, J., & Örücü, D. (2022, November). A comparison of social justice leadership meaning and praxis: the interplay of unique social cultural contexts in Turkish, Palestinian, and Lebanese high needs schools. To be presented at 2022 Annual Meeting at University Council of Education Administration (UCEA), Seattle, WA.  

Arar, K., Orücü, D., & Mahfouz, J. (2020, November). The ISLDN: Cross-national studies of social justice leaders and leaders in high-need schools. Paper presented at 2020 Annual Meeting at University Council of Education Administration (UCEA), virtual.  

Arar, K., Örücü, D., & Mahfouz, J. (2021, September). Social in/justice and double marginality in educational leadership: Trajectories of three female school principals from Palestine, Turkey, and Lebanon. Paper presented at European Conference on Educational Research (ECER), Geneva, virtual.  

Arlestig, H., Angelle, P. S., & Norberg, K. (2013, November). Learning from each other: Making connections between High Needs Schools and Leadership for Social Justice Research. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the University Council for Education Administration, Indianapolis, IN.  

Baran, M. L. & Van Harpen, G. (2015). Creating a Culture for Learning in a High-Need InnerCity USA School: The Unique Leadership Challenges. The Annual Meeting of the University Council for Educational Administration, San Diego, CA. (Paper presentation).  

Baran, M. L. & Van Harpen, G. (2016). Building Capacity through Leadership: Changing the Urban Educational Landscape. 23rd International Conference on Learning and the Learner Knowledge Community, Vancouver, Canada, July 2016.  

Baran, M. L. & Van Harpen, G. (2016). Milwaukee College Prep and The Lloyd Street School – a Turnaround Success. Special Project for NCPEA (June 2016) and UCEA—Detroit 2016. (Video Presentation of interviews with MCP school leaders).  

Baran, M. L. & Van Harpen, G. (2016, November 17-20). Session title: Key leadership practices in a successful turnaround urban high needs K-8 charter school in an inner-city Midwestern setting (USA) [Conference presentation]. University Council of Education Administration (UCEA) Annual Conference. Detroit, MI.  

Baran, M. L. & Van Harpen, G. (2017, November). Moving Forward: Meeting the Learning Challenges of High Needs Students. UCEA, Annual Conference, Denver, CO.  

Baran, M. L. & Van Harpen, G. (2018, November). Principals Generating Success in High-Need Schools. UCEA Center for the International Study of School Leadership. UCEA Annual Convention Special Session, Houston, TX.  

Baran, M. L. & Van Harpen, G. (2018, November). Successful Learning in a High Needs Inner City School: One Courageous Leader’s Journey. UCEA Annual Convention, Houston, TX.  

Baran, M. L. & Van Harpen, G. (2018, October). Whatever it Takes: The Journey of a Visionary High Needs School Founder and Leader. CIOIE Annual Conference, Lleida, Spain.  

Baran, M. L. & Van Harpen, G. (2019, January). What Fosters Learning in a High Needs Inner City Charter School? Stritch Talks, Cardinal Stritch University, Milwaukee, WI.  

Baran, M. L. (2012). High Needs School in Milwaukee, WI. Presentation at the University Council for Educational Administration Annual Conference, Denver, CO.  

Baran, M. L. (2020). Project Findings and Implications for Future Studies and Collaborative International Research. Presentation at UCEA Annual Conference (Virtual).  

Baran, M. L., & Kiefer Hipp, K. (2013). Learning from each other: Making connections between High Needs Schools and Leadership for Social Justice Research. UCEA Annual Conference in Indianapolis.  

Baran, M. L., & Van Harpen, G. (2016, October). The Learning Culture and School Leadership: How an Urban School Exceeded against the Odds. MWERA Annual Conference, Evanston, IL.  

Baran, M. L., & Van Harpen, G. (2017, April). Against All Odds: The Tale of One Urban School's Successful Turnaround Effort by Focusing on Learning and Character. AERA Annual Conference, San Antonio, TX.  

Baran, M. L., & Van Harpen, G. (2019). Reframing Context to Support Turnaround in a High Needs Urban K8 School. Presentation at American Higher Education Conference, Sarasota, Fl.  

Baran, M. L., & Van Harpen, G. (2019). Reframing Context to Support Turnaround in a High Needs Urban K8 School. Presentation at Twenty-sixth International Conference on Learning. Belfast, United Kingdom.  

Baran, M. L., & Van Harpen, G. (2019, November). Courage, transformation, and change: Pushing against the status quo [Conference presentation]. University Council of Educational Administration (UCEA) 33rd Annual Conference. New Orleans, LA.  

Baran, M. L., & Van Harpen, G. (2019, October 16-18). Advocating for change and justice: The journey of a visionary high needs school founder and leader [Conference presentation]. Mid-Western Educational Research Association (MWERA) Annual Meeting. Cincinnati, OH.  

Baran, M. L., & Van Harpen, G. (2019, October 16-18). Building educational legacy through individual school leadership [Conference presentation]. Mid-Western Educational Research Association (MWERA) Annual Meeting. Cincinnati, OH.  

Baran, M. L., & Van Harpen, G. (2021). High Needs School Leadership and Learning: A Case Study of Best Practices in Meeting the Academic, Social, and Emotional Needs of Recent Refugee Children in a Norwegian Elementary School. Presentation at PJSA/WIPCS Annual Conference, Milwaukee, WI.  

Baran, M. L., Van Harpen, G. (2015, November 20-23). Leadership in and preparation for high- need schools: An International Perspective [Conference presentation]. University Council for Education Administration (UCEA) 2015 Annual Conference. San Diego, CA.  

Barnett, B. G. & Okilwa, N. S. (2018, April). Mentoring and professional development for assistant principals. The bi-annual New Zealand Educational Administration and Leadership Society Conference, Auckland, New Zealand.  

Barnett, B., & Stevenson, H. (2011). The International School Leadership Development Network: A BELMAS-UCEA collaborative research project. Paper presented at the Values and Leadership Conference, Victoria, Canada. 

Berry, J. & Bryant, K. (September 2022). Leading in a Time of Crisis: Stories of Resilience from the Field. Presented at the New Zealand Educational Administration and Leadership Society Conference, University of Waikato, Hamilton, New Zealand.  

Berry, J., & Bryant, K. (2018). International Stories: Leadership for Student Success through Relationship Building and Equitable Practice. In University Council for Educational Administration Conference. Houston, Texas.  

Berry, J., & Bryant, K. (2018). Leadership in High-Needs/High-Performing Schools: Successful Stories from an Urban School District, In Congreso Internatcional de Organizacion de Instituciones Educativas. University of Lleida, Spain. 

Berry, J., Alford, B., Baran, M., Bryant, K., Hipp, K., Van Harper, G. (2020). The international school leadership development network’s high needs schools’ strand: Ten years of history. In B. Barnett, (Organizer), Symposium: The ISLDN: Cross-National Studies of Social Justice Leaders and Leaders in High-Need Schools, a presentation delivered to the 34th annual University Council of Educational Administration (UCEA) Conference (online, virtual), Nov. 17-20.  

Berry, J., Alford, B., Baran, M., Bryant, K., Hipp, K., Van Harper, G. (2021). The international school leadership development network’s high needs schools’ strand: Ten years of history. In B. Barnett and P. Woods (Eds.), Educational Leadership for Social Justice and Improving High Need Schools: Findings of Ten Years of International Collaboration (Chapter 5). Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.  

Berry, J., Robertson, S. (2019, November) Multiculturalism and Multilingualism at the Crossroads of School Leadership. Proceedings of the University Council for Educational Administration Convention, New Orleans, Louisiana.  

Branson, C., McNae, R., & Morrison, M. (2014). A New Zealand perspective on school leadership for social justice. In CSLEE 19th Annual Values and Leadership Conference. Deerhurst Resort, Muskoka, Ontario, Canada.  

Clarke, S., Drysdale, L., Gurr, D., Huerta, M., & Wildy, H. (2012) International Perspectives on High Need Schools: Implications for Leadership, Symposium Paper, University Council of Educational Administration, Denver, November 15-18, 2012.  

Chisholm, L. D. (2021) Fostering Inclusion through STEM Leadership, Teaching, and Learning. “It’s really important to me for kids to get interested in and become aware of the options that are available to them in STEM”: Culturally Responsive School Leadership. Paper presented at the National Association for Research in Science Teaching (NARST), Vancouver, BC.

Chisholm, L. (2018). School Leadership, STEM Curriculum Decision-Making and Its Impact on Island Youth in a High Needs Secondary School: A Case Study. Paper presented at the International Conference on the Organization of Educational Institutions (CIOIE), October 2018, Lleida, Spain.

Chisholm, L. (2018). The Role of School Leaders in Developing an Intentional and Innovative STEM Curriculum: A Case Study in a High-Needs Secondary School in Belize. Paper presented at the American Educational Research Association (AERA), New York, NY.

Chisholm, L. (2017). Contextualizing Leadership in High-Need Schools: An International Perspective. “Leadership for Social Justice and Equity in a High-Need School in Belize, Central America. Paper presented at the University Council for Educational Administration (UCEA), Denver, CO.

Chisholm, L. (2016). Leadership for Social Justice and STEM: Preliminary findings from a case study of Social Justice Academy (SJA) in Belize. Paper presented at the University Council for Educational Administration (UCEA), Detroit, MI.

Chisholm, L. (2016). Leadership for Social Justice and STEM: A case study from Belize. Paper presented at the Consortium for the Study of Leadership and Ethics in Education (CSLEE) Values and Leadership Conference, Western University, London Ontario, Canada.

Chisholm, L. Successful Practices and Enduring Beliefs of Leaders in High Need Schools: Evidence from International Studies.

Chisholm, L. (2015). “An Examination of School Leadership, Social Justice, and STEM Curricula Development in a High-Need Belizean High School”. Paper presented at the University Council for Educational Administration (UCEA), San Diego, California. 

Cooper, A. R., & Angelle, P. S. (2018, April). Principals of color: Leading from the collective we. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, New York, NY.  

Corrales Maytorena, B., Navarro, C., Slater, C.L. Silva, P., Antunez, S. & Lopez, D. (2020, asynchronous, November) Economic, cultural, associational, and critical justice in schools in Catalonia, Spain, and Baja California, Mexico. [Conference Presentation] University Council for Educational Administration Convention.  

Driscoll, L., Forde, C. and Torrance, D. (2018) Using Funding to Tackle Inequities: A Comparative Study of Scotland and Tennessee (USA). Conference Paper, BELMAS Annual Conference: Education Policy and Sustainability: global perspectives from the field of educational leadership, 6th-8th July 2018, Beaumont Estate, Windsor, UK.  

Drysdale, L & Gurr, D. (2016) Contextual Issues and Challenges for Principals in High Needs schools (Symposium), UCEA Detroit Nov 2016 Detroit Marriott Renaissance Centre, November 17-20.  

Drysdale, L. Gurr, D. Goode, H. (2017) Disruptive Leadership in Schools in Challenging Circumstances, European Council for Educational Research (ECER) Conference Copenhagen, Denmark, from 22 to 25 August. University College UCC.  

Drysdale, L., Goode, H., Gurr, D. Reed, C. Sedunary, P. Leading a Learning Community, A multi-layered approach. 2021 ECER Geneva 

Drysdale, L., Gurr, D., Longmuir, F. (2017) Innovative Leadership in underperforming Schools, AARE, Canberra, December.  

Ettington Chase, Stratford-on-Avon, UK. Torrance, D. and Forde, C. (2016) Possibilities and Realities: Leading in a Socially Just Scotland. ISLDN Symposium Unlocking the Path to Social Justice Leadership: Leadership Stories from Head Teachers in Nine Countries. BELMAS Annual Conference: Unlocking leadership and management potential in different contexts, 8th-10th July 2016, Carden Park, Cheshire, UK.  

Flood, L. D., & Angelle, P. S. (2022, July). Measuring Aspects of Social Justice Leadership: Utility of the SJBS and SJ-BAS. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the British Educational Leadership, Management, and Administration Society. Liverpool, England, UK.  

Forde, C. , Harvie, J. , McMahon, M. , Mitchell, A. and Torrance, D. (2021) Back on Track or Re-envisioning a Different Track. Social Justice Leadership and its Implications in the Post-Pandemic Scottish Education Systems. BELMAS UK Review Webinar: Post COVID Future of Educational Leadership and Administration, 26 May 2021. 

Forde, C. and Torrance, D. (2015) Scottish Perspectives: Building a vision of social justice in Scottish education: what role for standards? Conference Paper. BELMAS-UCEA Symposium. Renewal and retreat? New leadership standards as policy technology for social justice in the US, England and Scotland. BELMAS Annual Conference 2015: Democracy: Time for Renewal or Retreat in Educational Leadership, 10th-12th July, Wokefield Park Conference Centre, Berkshire, UK.  

Forde, C., Torrance, D., King, F. and Travers, J. (2018) Beyond the Rhetoric: Sustaining Social Justice Leadership in Two Education Systems. Conference Paper, BELMAS Annual Conference: Education Policy and Sustainability: global perspectives from the field of educational leadership, 6th-8th July 2018, Beaumont Estate, Windsor, UK.  

Fuller, K., Torrance, D., McNae, R., & Ashard, R. (2016). Women leading for social justice in the Commonwealth. British Educational Leadership, Management and Society.  

Gautam, C. Rosario, A., & Alford , B. J. (2020). Leadership for sustained school improvement in a high-need school in Nepal and in Southern California: Vital practices and processes in fostering learning . In B. Barnett, (Organizer), Symposium: The ISLDN: Cross-National Studies of Social Justice Leaders and Leaders in High- Need Schools, a presentation delivered to the 34rd annual University Council of Educational Administration (UCEA) Conference (online, virtual), Nov. 17-20.  

Gautam, C., & Alford, B. (2015). Leading high-need schools after a natural and human disaster caused by an earthquake: Perceptions of Nepalese principals. Symposium University Council for Educational Administration (UCEA), San Diego, November 20-23, 2015.  

Gautam, C., Alford , B. J., & Lowery, C.L. ( 2018). Local control of education, challenges, and opportunities: Stories of successful high need school leadership in Nepal. In I.D.A. Bravo, & P. Silva. (Eds), National trends in educational organization: Between stability and change (Tendencias nacionales e internationales en organizacion educativa: Entre la establilidad y el cambio), (450-463). Madrid, Spain: Wolters Kluwer.  

Gautam, C., Alford, B., & Lowery, C. (2018, October). Local control of education challenges and opportunities: Stories of successful high need school leadership in Nepal. Paper presented at an International School Leadership Development Network session at the XV International Congress of Organization of Educational Institutions (ICOEI), Lleida, Spain.  

Glass, S., Rodgers, D. & Slater, C. (2022, Nov _). Generativity, equity, social justice, and the school principal [Paper presentation], University Council of Education Administrators, Seattle, WA. 

Goode, H., Drysdale, L., Gurr, D., Okilwa, N., Tripses, J., Alford, B. (July 2022). Relationships and responsibilities: The impact of COVID-19 on school leaders. British Educational, Leadership, Management & Administration Society (BELMAS) Annual Conference, Liverpool, UK. July 8-10.  

Gautam, C. Rosario, A., & Alford , B. J. (2022, November. Sustained Community Engagement and Student Learning in High Need Schools: Roles of Trust, Purpose, and Actions. In International Community Building session, Social Justice Leadership in High-Needs Schools: Selected Findings From the International School Leadership Development Network, for the University Council of Educational Administration (UCEA) Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA.

Gurr, D. & Drysdale, L. (2014) Australian responses to leading high needs schools. Symposium: The Importance of the Principal’s Role in High Need Schools: An International Perspective. Paper presented at the UCEA conference, Washington, DC, November, 20-23.  

Gurr, D., Drysdale, L. & McCronan, K. (2019) Success and Struggle in Leading High Needs School: Two examples from Australia. UCEA, New Orleans, November 21-25.  

Gurr, D., Drysdale, L., Goode, H. (2017) Leading the rebuilding of schools through disruptive innovation and leadership, International Community Symposium, UCEA, Denver, 13-19 November, Sheraton Denver Downtown Hotel.  

Gurr, D., Longmuir, F., Drysdale, L. & McCrohan, K. (2018) The leadership, culture and context nexus: Lessons from the leadership of improving schools, University Council for Educational Administration, Houston, Texas, November, 15-18.  

Hardie, S., Berry, J., Drysdale, L., Goode, H., Okilwa, N. (2023, July). Relationships and Responsibilities: The Impact of COVID-19 on School Leaders. BELMAS in Belfast, Ireland.

Hardy, S., Goode, H. Relationships and Responsibilities: the impact of COVID on school leaders. WELS conference (online) 2022. 

Kieffer Hipp, K., & Baran, M. L. (2014). The Importance of the Principal’s Role in High Need Schools: An International Perspective. Presentation at the International School Leadership Network Symposium: UCEA Annual Conference in Washington, DC.  

Koerber, N. D., Angelle, P. S., & Flood, L. D. (2022, July). A Systematic Review of Socially Just School Leadership: Findings from the International School Leader Development Network Research. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the British Educational Leadership, Management, and Administration Society. Liverpool, England, UK.  

Mahfouz, J. (2018, November). Social justice in Lebanese schools—A case study. Paper presented at CSLEE 23rd Values and Leadership Conference, Houston, TX. 

Mahfouz, J. (2019, April). Social justice leadership and the interplay of a unique social cultural context: A successful case study in a Lebanese School. Paper presented at 2019 Annual Meeting of Comparative and International Education Society (CIES), San Francisco, CA.  

Mahfouz, J., Arar, K., & Örücü, D. (2022, August). Revisiting social in/justice in the context of double marginality: Insights into women leadership in the Middle East. Paper presented at The European Conference on Educational Research of European Educational Research Association (EERA), Yerevan, Armenia.  

Mahfouz, J., Kotok, S., Osman, E., & El Mehtar, N. (2019, April). Lebanese principals and their socio-emotional competencies within challenging school contexts. Paper presented at 2019 Annual Meeting of American Educational Research Association (AERA), Toronto, Canada.  

McNae, R. & Barnard, S. (2021). Educational Leadership for Social Justice: Bringing Connection, Collaboration and Care from Margins to Centre, Bloomsbury. McNae, R. (2018). Contemplating togetherness: Navigating change and complexity with collective responsibility. Keynote address to the New Zealand Educational Leadership Society, 20 April 2018, Auckland, New Zealand.  

McNae, R. & Morrison, M. (2018). Making sense of social justice leadership: in Aotearoa New Zealand. New Zealand Educational Leadership Society, 20 April 2018, Auckland, New Zealand.  

McNae, R. (2016). Educational leadership for social justice: International School Leaders Development Network. British Educational Leadership, Management and Administration Society (BELMAS) Conference, Leading for Social Justice, Cheshire, United Kingdom, 9 July.  

McNae, R. (2016). We are not broken. Leading through challenging times. Keynote Address to the Southland Principals Conference, 20 October, Wanaka, New Zealand.  

McNae, R. (2017). Making sense of the ‘self’ with[in]social justice leadership: Embodied leadership through lived experiences. International Women Leading Education. Duque de Caxias, Rio De Janerio, Brazil: July.  

McNae, R. (2018). Collaboration in complex times. Keynote Address to New Zealand Resource Teachers of Learning and Behaviour Hui, May 2018, Hamilton, New Zealand.  

McNae, R. (2018). Leading for social justice: International perspectives, American Association of Educational Research Association, New York, April 13-17.  

McNae, R. (2018). Women Leading for Social Justice in Higher Education: Surfacing Hope in Challenging Times. In: Women Leading Education Across the Continents (pp. 88-96). Rowman & Littlefield Education with the American Association of School Administrators (AASA).  

McNae, R. (2022). Making sense of social justice: Leading for social justice in complex times. World Education Summit. Keynote address for World Education Leadership Symposium led by Stephan Huber, hosted by Romuald Normand, University of Strasbourg, France.  

McNae, R., Morrison, M., & Branson, C. (2014). A global perspective of social justice: A new lens for analysis. In The 28th annual University Council for Educational Administration Convention. Washington Hilton, Washington, DC.  

Mette L. Baran. Baran, M. L., & Van Harpen, G. (2018, October 17-19). Whatever it takes: The journey of a visionary high needs school founder and leader [Conference presentation and published conference proceedings in English and Spanish]. Congreso Internacional de Organizacion de Instituciones Educativas (CIOIE) Universidad de Lleida. Lleida, Spain.  

Mitchell, A. (2022) Being a headteacher through the Covid-19 pandemic. British Educational Leadership, Management and Administration Society (BELMAS 2022), Liverpool, UK, 8-10 July 2022.  

Mitchell, A., Torrance, D., Forde, C., Harvie, J., McMahon, M. (2021) Social justice leadership in Scottish schools: Building on co-constructed understandings and aspirations​. Centre for Leadership and Diversity (CLD) at Ontario Institute for Studies in Education (OISE) Annual International Conference, Toronto, Canada (Online) 9th- 10th December 2021.  

Moral-Santaella, C. , Murakami, B. and Torres-Arcadia, C. (2021). In B. Barnett an P. A. Woods (Eds.) Educational Leadership for social justice and improving high-needs schools. (201-220). IAP  

Morrison M, & McNae R. (2019). He waka eke noa—We are all in this together: Validating social justice leadership and learning in a New Zealand middle school UCEA, New Orleans, USA, 20 Nov 2019 - 24 Oct 2019.  

Morrison, M. & McNae, R. (2018). Leadership for social justice in schools in Mexico, New Zealand and Spain. 15th International Congress of Organizations and Educational Institutions (CIOIE), Lleida, Spain, 17 October.  

Morrison, M., Branson, C., & McNae, R. (2013). Leadership for social justice in Aotearoa New Zealand. In University Council for Educational Administration (UCEA) Convention. Conference held at Indiana University, Indianapolis.  

Ogden, S. B., & Angelle, P. S. (2014, November). Social justice beliefs and behaviors: A Macro/Meso/Micro Look at One Urban and One Rural Principal. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the University Council for Education Administration, Washington, D. C.  

Okilwa, N. S. & Barnett, B. (2014, November). A pilot study of a high-need school in San Antonio, Texas. The Annual University Council for Educational Administration (UCEA) Convention, Washington D.C. 

Okilwa, N. S. & Barnett, B. (2019, July). Four successive school leaders’ response to a high-needs urban elementary school context. British Educational, Leadership, Management & Administration Society (BELMAS) conference, Hinckley Island, UK.  

Okilwa, N. S. & Barnett, B. (July 2022). Strategies and practices of leading schools during the current COVID-19 crisis. British Educational, Leadership, Management & Administration Society (BELMAS) Annual Conference, Liverpool, UK.  

Okilwa, N. S. & Barnett, B. G. (2017, November). Leaders' perspectives on sustaining academic success in a high-need school. The Annual University Council for Educational Administration (UCEA) Convention, Denver, CO.  

Okilwa, N. S. (November 2020). Review of methodological approaches in studies of high-needs schools across multinational contexts. The Annual University Council for Educational Administration (UCEA) Convention, Virtual Conference.  

Okilwa, N. S. A., & Barnett, B. G. (2015). Sustaining school improvement in a high-need school: Comparative analysis of Robbins Elementary School (USA) from 1997 to 2015. Paper presented at the University Council for Educational Administration Convention, San Diego, CA.  

Okilwa, N. S. A., & Barnett, B. G. (2016a). Leaders’ perspectives in sustaining academic achievement success in a high-needs school. Paper presented at the University Council for Educational Administration Convention, Detroit, MI.  

Okilwa, N. S. A., & Barnett, B. G. (2016b). Sustaining school improvement in a high-need school: Longitudinal analysis of Robbins Elementary School (USA) from 1993 to 2015. Paper presented at the New Zealand Educational Leadership and Administration Society Conference, Dunedin, New Zealand.  

Okilwa, N. S. A., & Barnett, B. G. (2017). Leaders’ perspectives on sustaining academic success in a high-need school. Paper presented at the University Council for Educational Administration Convention, Denver, CO.  

Potter, I., Torrance, D., Angelle, P. S., Ärlestig, H., Branson, C., Cheng, A., Forde, C., King, F., McNae, R., Miller, P., Morrison, M., Norberg, K., Szeto, E., Travers, J. (2015, July). Voices of School Leaders across the World: To what extent are their voices heard, particularly when leading for Social Justice and schools in high need? Paper presented at the annual meeting of the British Educational Leadership, Management, and Administration Society, Berkshire, England, UK.  

Robertson, S. & Notman, R. (2019, November) High-Needs Leadership in New Zealand: Implications for School Leader Preparation. Proceedings of the University Council for Educational Administration Convention, New Orleans, Louisiana  

Robertson, S. (2018). Understanding the self in leadership: Two NZ principals respond to social justice issues. Proceedings of the University Council for Educational Administration Convention, Houston, Texas. 

Robertson, S. (2020) School leadership preparation in uncertain times: A New Zealand perspective. EDUCA Conference, Thailand, (online) 25-26 November 2020  

Rodgers, D.J., (2023, Nov 16). PK12 pandemic leadership innovations: Social media platform review of principals' communications with stakeholders [Paper presentation], University Council of Education Administrators (UCEA), Minneapolis, MN, p. 55.

Roofe, C. & Fuller, K., Torrence, D., McNae, R., Arshad, R. (2017). Exploring the Experiences of Women in School Leadership from a Social Justice Perspective at the international conference on Educational Leadership and Management held March 2–3, 2017 at the Knutsford Court Hotel Kingston, Jamaica.  

Silva, P., Antunez, S., & Slater, C.L. (2016, August,). Social Justice and Migrant Families in Spain. [Conference Presentation] World Educational Research Association, Dublin, Ireland.  

Silva, P., Antúnez, S., & Slater, C.L. (2018, March). Towards Social Justice in highly complex schools: The case of Catalonia. [Conference Presentation] Comparative and International Education Society (CIES), Mexico City.  

Silva, P.; Antúnez, S. & Slater, S. (2018). Working for Social Justice with immigrants’ populations in two schools in Catalonia Spain. Comparative and International Education Society (CIES). Mexico City.  

Slater, C. Antúnez, S. Silva, P. Corrales, B.; Gorosave, G.; Morrison, M.; McNae, R. (2018). Leadership for Social Justice in schools in Mexico, New Zealand, and Spain. In 15th International Congress of Organization of Educational Institutions (CIOIE). Lleida. Spain. Unpublished paper.  

Slater, C.; Silva, P. & Antúnez, S. (2017). Advocacy for Social Justice in Highly Complex Schools: The Case of Catalonia, Spain. In World Education Research Association (WERA) Hong Kong.  

Slater, C.; Silva, P. Antúnez, S. (2019). Social justice leadership in Spanish schools: researcher perspectives. In 12th International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation (ICERI), Sevilla, Spain. 

Slater, C.; Silva, P.; Corrales, B.; Antúnez, S.; Navarro-Corona, C. (2019). Social Justice Leadership and School Principals in Mexico and Spain. British Educational Leadership, Management and Administration Society (BELMAS).  

Slater, C.L., Cerdas-Montano, V., García-Martínez, J. (2017, September) Liderazgo para la Justicia Social en el contexto educativo costarricense. [Conference Presentation] World Education Leadership Symposium, Zug, Switzerland.  

Slater, C.L., Lopez Gorosave, G., Cerdes, V., Rosabal, S., Torres, N., & Briceno. (2016, April). Teachers and Educational Leadership for Social Justice in Costa Rica and Mexico. [Conference Presentation] New Zealand Educational Administration and Leadership Society, Dunedin, New Zealand. 

Slater, C.L., Lopez Gorosave, G., Silva, P, Torres, N., Antunez, S., & Romero Hernandez, A., (2017, September). Women Becoming Social Justice Leaders with an Inclusive View in Costa Rica, Mexico, and Spain. [Conference Presentation] World Education Leadership Symposium, Zug, Switzerland.  

Slater, C.L., Silva, P., Antúnez, S., Corrales Maytorena, B., & Navarro, C. (2019). Economic, Cultural, Associational, and Critical Justice in Schools in Catalonia, Spain, and Baja California, Mexico: A Pilot Study. [Conference Presentation] British Educational Leadership Management and Administration Society Conference, Hinckley Island, England. 

Slater, C.L., Silva, P., Antúnez, S., Lopez Gorosave, G., Cerdas, V., Torres, N., Briceño, F., & Rosabal, S. (2016, November) Factors that Hinder and Facilitate Leadership for Social Justice in Costa Rica, Mexico and Spain. [Conference Presentation] University Council for Educational Administration (UCEA), Detroit, MI.  

Slater, C.L., Silva, S., & Antúnez, S. (2017, November). Advocacy for Social Justice in Spain. [Conference Presentation] World Education Research Association (WERA), Hong Kong, China.  

Sun, A. (2017, November). Democratic leadership practices in the enactment of social justice in schools: Cases from four countries. Paper was presented at the annual convention of University Council for Education (UCEA), Denver, CO. 

Sun, A. (2018, April). Social justice leadership in urban schools. Paper was presented at the annual convention of American Educational Research Association (AERA), New York, NY.  

Torrance, D. and Forde, C. (2016) Possibilities and Realities: Leading in a Socially Just Scotland. ISLDN Symposium Unlocking the Path to Social Justice Leadership: Leadership Stories from Head Teachers in Nine Countries. BELMAS Annual Conference: Unlocking leadership and management potential in different contexts, 8th-10th July 2016, Carden Park, Cheshire, UK.  

Torrance, D. and Forde, C. (2022) What Factors Help and Hinder the Work of Social Justice Leaders? A Summary of Findings From the Social Justice Leadership Strand. Paper 4 for the Symposium: BELMAS/UCEA review of ISLDN, British Educational Leadership, Management and Administration Society (BELMAS 2022), Liverpool, UK, 8-10 July 2022.  

Torrance, D., Forde, C. and Hamilton, T. (2015) Leading Social Justice … in a Scotland where everyone matters? BELMAS Symposium, AERA Conference 16th-20th April 2015, Chicago.  

Torrance, D., Forde, C. Shanks, R. and Murray, R. (2014) Perspectives on Social Justice Leadership: Connecting Policy and Practice. Conference Paper. WERA/SERA Conference 2014: From widening horizons to a worldview. 19th-21st November 2014, Edinburgh: University of Edinburgh.  

Torrance, D., Forde, C., Mitchell, A., Harvie, J. and McMahon, M. (2021) Using the Delphi Method to investigate the work of school middle leadership teams. ECER Annual Conference, Geneva (online) 6th-10th September 2021.  

Torrance, D., Forde, C., Mitchell, A., Harvie, McMahon, M. (2021) Using the Delphi method as a professional learning tool, to enhance middle leaders’ role in social justice leadership. Conference Paper: IPDA International Virtual Conference 2021: Marginalised voices in contemporary times: Addressing inequities through professional learning and education. Online Conference.  

Torrance, D., Forde, C., Murray, R. Shanks, R. (2014) What Place Values in Professional Standards?: Connecting Policy and Practice. Roundtable discussion. BELMAS Conference 2014: Can Leaders Shape the Landscape?, 11-13th July 2014. Ettington Chase, Stratford-Upon-Avon. 

Torrance, D., Forde, C., Potter, I. and Angelle, P. (2016) Voices of School Leaders From Across the World: What Factors Help and Hinder the Work of Social Justice Leaders? Conference Paper, ICSEI Annual Conference: Connecting Teachers, Schools and Systems: Creating the conditions for effective learning, 6th-9th January 2016, University of Glasgow: Glasgow, UK.  

Torrance, D., Forde, C., Potter, I., Angelle, P. S., Norberg, K., Ärlestig, H., Branson, C., Cheng, A., King, F., McNae, R., Miller, P., Morrison, M., Norberg, K., Szeto, E., Travers, J. (2016, January). Voices of School Leaders across the World: What factors help and hinder the work of social justice leaders? Paper presented at the annual meeting of the International Congress of School Effectiveness and Improvement, Glasgow, Scotland, UK.  

Torrance, D., King, F., Travers, J., Forde, C. and Jones, K. (2017) Social Justice Leadership: Policy and Practice in Small Educational Systems - Ireland, Scotland and Wales. Conference Paper. BELMAS Annual Conference 2017. Educational leadership for a global society: challenges, dilemmas and ways forward. 7th-9th July 2017. Ettington Chase, Stratford-on-Avon, UK.  

Tripses, J. (Author and Presenter), Milda, D. (Author Only), Jurate, V. (Author Only), Ilze, I. (Author Only), Karmen, T. "Social Justice School Principals in Baltic Countries. Annual International Conference British Educational Leadership, Management, and Administrative Society (BELMAS). Leicestershire, United Kingdom. Published in proceedings. July 2019. 

Tripses, J. Creating Common Ground with Latvian Social Justice School Leaders. Paper presented at the Annual International Conference British Educational Leadership, Management, and Administrative Society (BELMAS). Leicestershire, United Kingdom. July 2019. Published in proceedings. 

Tripses, J. Creating Common Ground with Latvian Social Justice School Leaders. Paper presented at the University Council for Educational Administration (UCEA), Houston, TX. November 2018.  

 Tripses, J. S., Ivanova, P. I., Damkuvienė, M., Valuckienė, J., Trasberg, K. Social Justice School Principals in Baltic Countries. Paper accepted through peer review by XV CIOE International Congress of Organization of Educational Institutions. University of Lieda, Spain.  

Tripses, J. Social Justice School Principals in Baltic Countries. Paper presented at the International Council of Professors of Educational Leadership International National Conference, Charlotte, NC, August 3-7, 2018. 

Van Harpen, G. & Baran, M. L. (2017, November). Engaging Communities to Support Turnaround in High-Need Schools: How Context Matters. UCEA, Annual Conference, Denver, CO.  

Van Harpen, G. & Baran, M. L. (2018, November 17). Successful learning in a high needs inter-city school: One courageous leader’s journey [Conference presentation]. University Council of Educational Administration (UCEA) Annual 2018 Convention in Houston, TX. 

Van Harpen, G., & Baran, M. L. (2016). The Role of Leadership in Creating Social Change in an Urban School Setting. 23rd International Conference on Learning and the Learner Knowledge Community, Vancouver, Canada, July 2016.  

Van Harpen, G., & Baran, M. L. (2019, May 22). Reframing context to support turnaround in a high need urban K8 school [Conference presentation]. Global Conference on Education and Research (GlOCER) 3rd Annual Conference. Sarasota, FL  

Van Harpen, G., & Baran, M. L. (2021). Embracing Diversity by Learning Together: Inclusive Leadership Lessons from a Case Study at a High Needs Norwegian Elementary School. Presentation at MWERA Annual Conference, Cincinnati, OH.  

Van Harpen, G., & Baran, M. L. (2021, October 8-10). High needs school leadership and learning: A case study of best practices in meeting the academic, social, and emotional needs of recent refugee children in a Norwegian elementary school [Conference presentation]. Peace and Justice Studies Association, PJSA/WIPCS 2021 Annual Conference, Milwaukee, WI.